This mod adds unlit torches to the game. Lit torch behavior is also modified

Unlit torches:


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Unlit Torch Mod

after right clicking…

Unlit Torch Mod

try right clicking a torch with gunpowder. you’ll get a diamonds. yes. yes, you will.

Unlit Torch Mod

after right clicking…

Unlit Torch Mod
Unlit Torch Mod

jump in!

Unlit Torch Mod

Set torches can be lit by lit torches, flint, flint and steel, and lava buckets

Unlit Torch Mod

after right clicking…

Unlit Torch Mod
Unlit Torch Mod

after right clicking…

Unlit Torch Mod
Unlit Torch Mod

after right clicking…

Unlit Torch Mod


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Crafted with the vanilla torch recipe. Can be configured to yield lit torches like vanilla mc

Unlit Torch Mod

Four torches can be crafted back into a stick

Unlit Torch Mod

Can be crafted with a lit torch, flint, or flint and steel to yield a lit torch

  • Flint and steel is not consumed during crafting; only damaged
  • Lit torches are not consumed during crafting

Unlit Torch Mod

Unlit Torch Mod

Unlit Torch Mod

Held torches or those in a player’s inventory can be ignited when used on a lit torch, fire, lava, or by getting burned

Lit torches:

Torches in the world and in the player’s inventory can randomly burn out (configurable) or be killed by rain or water


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Will not be killed when only in shallow water

Unlit Torch Mod

but when submerged…

Unlit Torch Mod

torches in a player’s inventory and in the world have a small chance of dying out

Unlit Torch Mod

rain increases the chance drastically

Unlit Torch Mod

Unlit Torch Mod

after right clicking…

Unlit Torch Mod

Torch items in the world can be killed by rain or water

Unlit Torch Mod

Unlit Torch Mod

Unlit Torch Mod

after throwing…

Unlit Torch Mod



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Holding a LIT lantern without a handle will damage the player

*interval between each time a player gets damaged can be set in the config

Unlit Torch Mod

Hooks can be placed on ceilings or walls

Unlit Torch Mod

Lanterns can be placed on the ground or hung on hooks IF they have handles

Unlit Torch Mod

Lanterns (held or set down) can be turned on or shut off by right-clicking. If you are in survival mode, the lantern must have fuel to be lit up. In addition to that, you must be carrying a tinderbox and an igniter (torches, flint and steel, etc.; additional igniters can be set in the config). A tinderbox with firesteel acts as both the tinderbox and an igniter. If you are in creative mode, you do not need any of those.

if you have a tinderbox and firesteel, you no longer need a separate igniter
Unlit Torch Mod

Unlit Torch Mod

if you don’t, then you’ll need an igniter

Unlit Torch Mod

Unlit Torch Mod


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Can be crafted with iron ingots and glass panes
lanterns are first crafted unlit, without a handle, and without fuel

Unlit Torch Mod

lantern handles are crafted with three iron ingots

Unlit Torch Mod

lanterns with handles are crafted with lantern handles and lanterns without handles

Unlit Torch Mod

or with three iron ingots and a lantern without a handle

Unlit Torch Mod

Can be fueled with fat, bottled fat, or lantern oil
*how much time fat, bottled fat, or lantern oil gives to a lantern can be set in the config


fat by default gives barely any fuel to a lantern

Unlit Torch Mod

bottled fat gives three (3) times the fuel fat gives

Unlit Torch Mod

lantern oil by default gives a day’s worth of fuel to a lantern and you get your glass bottle back after using it

Unlit Torch Mod

Animal fat can be crafted from raw or cooked pork or beef

Unlit Torch Mod

Unlit Torch Mod

Bottled fat can be crafted with a glass bottle and three animal fat
*shapeless recipe

Unlit Torch Mod

Lantern oil is acquired by boiling (smelting) bottled fat

Unlit Torch Mod

Lantern hooks are crafted with one wooden plank and one stick to its left

Unlit Torch Mod

Empty tinderboxes are crafted with two iron ingots
*since some other mods use the same recipe there is an option in the config file to disable this recipe

Unlit Torch Mod

Tinderboxes can be crafted through multiple recipes. Basically, you need an empty tinderbox and tinder like leaves, paper, or cloth (additional tinder can be set in the config)

Unlit Torch Mod

Unlit Torch Mod

Unlit Torch Mod

or, if the empty tinderbox recipe is disabled...

Unlit Torch Mod

Unlit Torch Mod

Unlit Torch Mod

A tinderbox with firesteel is crafted with a tinderbox and flint and steel
*shapeless recipe
*this can be used like regular flint and steel
*gives 32 extra uses

Unlit Torch Mod

How to use:

  • overriderecipe – if set to false, the vanilla torch recipe will yield lit torches instead of unlit torches
  • chancetoburnout-held – 1/x chance for torches in a player’s inventory to burn out (the higher the number, the less likely it is to burn out)
  • chancetoburnout-set – 1/x chance for torches already placed down to burn out (the higher the number, the less likely it is to burn out)
  • dropsunlit – whether lit torches drop as lit torches or unlit torches
  • torchesburnout-held – if set to false, torches in a player’s inventory will not burn out
  • torchesburnout-set – if set to false, torches placed in the world will not burn out
  • dropsunlit – whether unlit torches drop as lit torches or unlit torches
  • igniterids – additional block or item ids for igniters. ids MUST be separated by a comma with NO space



2 is the block id of grass, so this will make a grass block (and whatever else those other ids belong to) into an igniter. Meaning a grass block will be usable to light an unlit torch. Igniters added this way will not be consumed when used to light a torch nor can they be used as a crafting ingredient for lit torches.


  • Download and install Minecraft Forge installer
  • Simply place Unlit Torch Mod jar files into your mod folder



  • Updated to Minecraft 1.6.2
  • A lot of refactoring (code’s cleaner now)
  • Tweaked the lantern refueling recipe
  • Added new config options to disable aging of torches or lanterns
  • Added a new recipe for torches with handles
  • Added ai for skeletons to shoot down torches
  • Fixed a syncing bug

For Minecraft 1.6.2

For Minecraft 1.5.2

Unlit Torch Mod:


For Minecraft 1.4.7

Unlit Torch Mod:


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