
Ragecraft Faithful 64x resource pack is like Default with an own touch, however it is more detailed and has additional animations and Addons such as Connected Textures, beautiful skies or different mobs.
Also if you don’t like current Touch and want everything to be exactly like Default there is an additional Addon for that.

Ragecraft Faithful 64x Resource Pack Features

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Base Resourcepack :
This is the Main Pack, you need to download this Pack if you plan on using the Resourcepack.
Connected Textures :
Makes textures connect to look Better or have more variety.

Skymap :
Lets the Sky at Day and Night look more Beautiful , also adds shooting stars to the sky.

Default Addon :
Makes the GUI a plain Gray just like in the Default texturepack also changes some blocks and the Chests to the Default styled, if you want an completly faithful style.

Random Mobs Addon :
Gives the mobs some variety by some having a different colors or other details.

Bright Addon :
Makes the Grass and Plants Greener and the Water Cyan colored,a pack designed to rather give a colorful/bright feeling instead of a “realistic” color style.

Clear Glass Addon :
Removes the Lines from the Glass so you can see everything clearly.

3D Ladder Fix :
Adds a 3D Ladder and uses a different Texture to fix a certain Bug.
Made by: JadenPete

Realistic Water :
Using this Addon makes the water less blue but more or less a Gray color which makes it look more realistic.
The Idea of this Addon got alive after someone posted a picture on Reddit with gray water to which some people
also replied that it looks more realstic.

Chainmail Armor Fix :
Fixes the Chainmail Armor Icons to look normally for people who don’t play in Fullscreen.

RCF 1.8 Support Addon:
Makes the 1.9 Version of the Resourcepack work with the Minecraft Version 1.8.
Useful for people who want the new GUI’s for example but have to play on 1.8 due to usage of Mods or due to playing on certain Servers that haven’t updated yet.

Supports Versions :
1.8.X – 1.9.X



How to install Ragecraft Faithful 64x Resource Pack?

  • Download Ragecraft Faithful 64x Resource Pack.
  • Open Minecraft, and go to Options->Resource Packs->Open Resource Packs Folder.
  • Drag the zip file you downloaded into that folder.
  • Select the pack, and you’re done!

Download links for Ragecraft Faithful 64x Resource Pack

For Minecraft 1.9.X

Ragecraft Faithful 64×64 1.9 (25MB)

All Files with Addons

Download from Server 1

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