Minecraft 1.20.2 is finally here, and it brings a lot of new features, changes, and fixes to the game. This update is one of the biggest ones in Minecraft history, and it took more than a year of development to complete.

In this post, I will give you a comprehensive guide on everything new in Minecraft 1.20.2, from the most exciting additions to the smallest tweaks. Let’s get started!

1. New Gamerule: enderPearlsVanishOnDeath

One of the first things you might notice in Minecraft 1.20.2 is a new gamerule called enderPearlsVanishOnDeath. This gamerule determines whether ender pearls disappear when the player dies or not. By default, this gamerule is set to true, which means that if you die while holding an ender pearl, you will lose it forever. However, you can change this gamerule to false if you want to keep your ender pearls after death.

2. Player Reporting: Skins and Names

Another new feature in Minecraft 1.20.2 is the ability to report other players for having inappropriate skins or names. If you encounter a player who has a skin or a name that violates the Minecraft Community Standards, you can report them by clicking on their name in the chat or in the player list. You will then be asked to choose a reason for your report, such as offensive skin, offensive name, cheating, or harassment. The report will be sent to the Minecraft moderation team, who will review it and take appropriate action.

3. Enchantment Table Lapis Slot Texture Updated

A minor but noticeable change in Minecraft 1.20.2 is the update of the lapis slot texture in the enchantment table. The lapis slot now has a blue border and a blue background, instead of a gray border and a black background. This makes it easier to distinguish the lapis slot from the other slots, and also matches the color of lapis lazuli.

4. End of Cycle Discounting Technique

One of the most controversial changes in Minecraft 1.20.2 is the end of the cycle discounting technique. This technique was a way of exploiting the villager trading system by repeatedly curing and infecting a villager to lower their prices to the minimum level. However, in Minecraft 1.20.2, this technique no longer works, as villagers will remember how many times they have been cured and infected, and will increase their prices accordingly. This means that you can no longer get unlimited cheap trades from villagers by abusing their kindness.

5. New Command: /random

A new command that has been added in Minecraft 1.20.2 is /random. This command allows you to generate random numbers or select random entities or players within a specified range or criteria. For example, you can use /random 1 10 to generate a random number between 1 and 10, or use /random @e[type=cow] to select a random cow in the world. You can also use /random @p[scores={score=10…}] to select a random player who has a score of 10 or higher. This command can be useful for creating custom maps, mini-games, or challenges that involve randomness.

6. Bees Can Now Pollinate Spore Blossoms

A new feature that has been added in Minecraft 1.20.2 is that bees can now pollinate spore blossoms. Spore blossoms are a new type of flower that can be found in lush caves, and they emit particles when they open and close. When bees visit spore blossoms, they will collect spores instead of pollen, and they will drop spores when they return to their nests or hives. Spores can be used to craft spore bombs, which are throwable items that create spore clouds when they explode.

7. Pink Pedals Can Now Be Stacked Like Candles

Another new feature that has been added in Minecraft 1.20.2 is that pink pedals can now be stacked like candles. Pink pedals are a new type of decorative block that can be found in lush caves, and they have a similar shape and function as candles. However, unlike candles, pink pedals do not emit light or fire particles, and they have a pink color instead of white. You can stack up to four pink pedals on top of each other, and you can place them on any solid surface or inside flower pots.

8. Block Audio Updated + New Audio for Sponge

A major change that has been made in Minecraft 1.20.2 is the update of the block audio. This means that many blocks in the game have new sounds when they are placed, broken, walked on, or interacted with. For example, stone blocks now have a more crunchy sound, wood blocks now have a more hollow sound, and glass blocks now have a more tinkling sound. Additionally, a new audio has been added for sponge blocks. Sponge blocks now have a squishy sound when they are placed, broken, or walked on, and they also make a slurping sound when they absorb or release water.

9. Mob Attack Reach Updated

Another major change that has been made in Minecraft 1.20.2 is the update of the mob attack reach. This means that many mobs in the game have different ranges of how far they can attack players or other entities. For example, zombies and skeletons now have a shorter attack reach, while spiders and endermen now have a longer attack reach. This makes combat more balanced and realistic, as different mobs have different advantages and disadvantages depending on their size and shape.

10. Command Chat Memory

A new feature that has been added in Minecraft 1.20.2 is the command chat memory. This feature allows you to access your previous commands that you have typed in the chat by pressing the up and down arrow keys. This can be useful for repeating or editing your commands without having to type them again. You can also use the tab key to autocomplete your commands or parameters based on what you have typed so far.

11. Can No Longer Place Lanterns Beneath Chorus Plants + New Chorus Fruit MLG

A minor but interesting change that has been made in Minecraft 1.20.2 is that you can no longer place lanterns beneath chorus plants. This was a trick that some players used to prevent chorus plants from growing taller, as lanterns would block their growth space. However, in Minecraft 1.20.2, this trick no longer works, as lanterns will pop off when placed beneath chorus plants. On the other hand, a new trick that has been discovered in Minecraft 1.20.2 is the chorus fruit MLG. This is a technique that involves using chorus fruits to teleport to a safe spot when falling from a high place, instead of using water buckets or other items. However, this technique is very risky and unreliable, as chorus fruits can teleport you to random locations within a 16-block radius.

12. Skulk Sensor Detection Updated

A significant change that has been made in Minecraft 1.20.2 is the update of the skulk sensor detection. Skulk sensors are a new type of redstone component that can be found in deep dark biomes, and they can detect vibrations caused by sound or movement. However, in Minecraft 1.20.2, skulk sensors have been tweaked to be more consistent and logical in what they can and cannot detect. For example, skulk sensors can now detect footsteps on wool blocks, but they cannot detect footsteps on snow layers or carpets. Additionally, skulk sensors can now detect minecart sounds, but they cannot detect boat sounds or elytra sounds.

13. Barriers Updated: Particles Removed + Waterlogging Added

A minor but useful change that has been made in Minecraft 1.20.2 is the update of the barriers. Barriers are a special type of invisible block that can only be seen when holding a barrier item in your hand. However, in Minecraft 1.20.2, barriers no longer emit red particles when held in your hand, making them truly invisible. This can be helpful for creating hidden structures or traps without revealing their presence. Moreover, barriers can now be waterlogged, meaning that they can be placed underwater without creating air pockets. This can be useful for creating underwater structures or decorations without affecting the water flow.

14. Diamonds Made More Common, Primarily in Caves

A major change that has been made in Minecraft 1.20.2 is the increase of the diamond spawn rate. Diamonds are one of the most valuable and rare resources in the game, and they can be used to craft the strongest tools, weapons, and armor. However, in Minecraft 1.20.2, diamonds have become more common and easier to find, especially in caves. This is because diamonds now spawn more frequently at lower levels (below y=16), and they also spawn more often in cave walls and ceilings (instead of only in veins). This makes mining for diamonds more rewarding and fun, as you can explore caves and find more diamonds than ever before.

15. Iron Farms Buffed (Golems Spawn Faster) + Piglins Take Less Time to Barter

Another major change that has been made in Minecraft 1.20.2 is the buff of iron farms and piglin bartering. Iron farms are structures that exploit the spawning of iron golems to produce iron ingots automatically. Piglin bartering is a mechanic that involves trading gold ingots with piglins to get various items randomly. However, in Minecraft 1.20.2, both iron farms and piglin bartering

have been improved, making them more efficient and profitable. Iron farms now produce more iron, as iron golems spawn faster and more frequently. Piglin bartering now takes less time, as piglins exchange items faster and more often. This means that you can get more resources and items from these methods in less time and effort.

16. Rapid Fire Round (Minor Changes)

There are also many minor changes that have been made in Minecraft 1.20.2, which I will list briefly here:

  • Random tick speed now affects snow and ice, meaning that they can melt or freeze faster or slower depending on the setting.
  • A new experimental toggle called “Villager Trade Rebalance” has been added, which changes the way villagers trade with players. This toggle is off by default, but you can turn it on if you want to try it out.
  • Villager trading has been changed in several ways, such as adding new trades, removing old trades, adjusting prices, and increasing variety.
  • Biome villager trades have been added, meaning that villagers from different biomes will offer different trades based on their environment and culture.
  • Mending villager changes have been made, meaning that mending books are now more rare and expensive to obtain from villagers.
  • Bug fix patch notes have been released, which fix many issues and glitches that were present in previous versions of the game.


That’s all for this post. I hope you enjoyed reading it and learned something new about Minecraft 1.20.2. This update is truly amazing and adds a lot of new content and improvements to the game. If you want to download and play Minecraft 1.20.2, you can do so from the official website or from your preferred launcher.

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