MineScape Mod
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June 24, 2013
Minecraft has always been about crafting and mining although when Notch created minecraft he added hundreds of crafting recipes however he added just six ores, three of which can’t even be made into tools. However with the new MineScape Mod there is now a total of eight new ores which can all be crafted into new Tools, Weapons and Armour.
- Download and install Minecraft Forge
- Download MineScape Mod
- Unrar file
- Put MineScape Mod files into .,inecraft.jar
- Done
- When you destroy ores you now get items like in Runescape
- These Items can either be smelted or crafted and then smelted
- Steel, Mithril, Adamant and Runite must be crafted with coal before smelting
- Similar to Runescape Steel needs 2 coal, Mithril needs 4; Adamant needs 6 and Runite needs 8
- The recipe for Bronze ingots has changed so that one copper and one tin crafts into one bronze composite which is then smelted
- Finally the textures for iron and silver tools and Armour have swapped