Retractable Ladders Mod
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April 7, 2013
Retractable Ladders adds two new blocks to the game: A retractable ladder machine and a rope ladder to fill it up with. It works in both the client and the server.
Rope Ladder
This is a type of ladder made from vines and planks or iron. It must be hung from the underside of a block.
Retractable Ladder Machine
The machine itself can be oriented any direction except facing up and down, and must be filled with rope ladders to operate. When supplied with a redstone signal, it will cause the ladder to unroll as far as it can (when it runs out of rope ladders or it can’t reach any further) and then retract.
- Download and install Minecraft Forge
- Download Retractable Ladders Mod
- Put Retractable Ladders Mod zip file into your /.minecraft/mods folder. Do not unzip it.
- Done
- Rope ladders no longer need a supporting wall, they only need to be hung
- Fixed typo preventing block-break particle textures from loading
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