Roxa’s Stone Stair Mod
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July 12, 2013
What does this mod do?
- Adds stone stairs. Stairs made out of smooth stone.
- Just like normal stairs using smooth stone.
- Backup your minecraft.jar
- Install ModLoader
- Don’t forget to delete the META-INF folder!
- Unzip the “Roxa’s Stone Stair Mod”
- Open your minecraft.jar (as you did for ModLoader)
- Drag and drop everything from the “put content into minecraft.jar” into the minecraft.jar, then close it
- Copy everything from the “put content into .minecraft recources” into the recources folder (into .minecraft/recources NOT the jar-file or .minecraft/bin!!!) Otherwise you won’t have the horse sounds.
- Run minecraft, enjoy!
For Minecraft 1.6.2
For 1.6.1
For Minecraft 1.5.2
For Minecraft 1.5.1
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