Sky Awesome Map (1.21.4, 1.20.1) is a CTM SkyBlock map designed by TheMaskedCrusader. Let’s go on a thrilling Sky Awesome adventure, a skyblock-inspired Complete the Monument (CTM) challenge map. Packed with a robust Redstone computer, this map automates objective checking and monument building, offering a seamless experience for players. While the intricate redstone system may cause lag on slower systems, the engaging gameplay and skyblock-themed challenges make it worth the journey. Are you ready to conquer the skies and complete the monument?



1. Have fun. If you find any bugs, please report them to [email protected]

2. Do not mine blocks from the spawn zone, That would be cheating.

3. Do not attempt to collect trophy blocks, that would be cheating.

4. There is a block of obsidian on the monument platform. This is the block collector. When a task says to “Place [a block] on the block collector”, you must place the block ON TOP of the obsidian. You will receive credit for placing the block when you hear the sound and the associated trophy block is placed into the monument. You will lose the block you placed after receiving credit for it.

5. There is a hopper in the Monument Platform. This is the item collector. When a task says to “deposit [items] into the collector”, you must place the items into THE FIRST SLOT of the hopper. You will receive full credit for depositing the items when you hear the sound and the associated trophy block is placed into the monument. You will lose any items placed into the collector hopper.

6. For objectives where multiple deposits are required, do them one at a time so you get credit for them. If you deposit the items too quickly, you may only get partial credit.

7. There is a set of secret tasks. The list will be provided to you when you complete a certain hidden task. You will receive rare or impossible to obtain items for completing secret tasks.

8. Don’t cheat. Games aren’t fun if you cheat. If you place a cheated block on the collector (a command block, for example) bad things can happen. You have been warned.

Best Practices:

1. Press control to toss an entire stack of items into the item collector hopper. This will place the stack of items into the correct position

2. Animals can be spawned into the world without mob eggs. Its a challenge map. It’s supposed to be hard. There are some backup mob spawn eggs hidden in the world.

3. If a task seems impossible, think outside the box to complete the task. I’ve verified that all tasks are doable and that the deposit for eachfunctions properly.

How to install:

Sky Awesome Map (1.21.4, 1.20.1) Download Links

Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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