Futurama, the sci-fi comedy that follows the adventures of a man frozen for a millennium, has captured the hearts of countless fans.  Now, you can pay homage to your favorite show by donning a Bender skin in Minecraft. Thanks to these skins, you can bring the futuristic world of Futurama into your favorite computer game and immerse yourself in its humor and adventure.

1. Dr. Zoidberg

This peculiar character can be a divisive one among fans, but it’s hard to deny that he has his moments of humor. While he’s often portrayed as disgusting and irritating, occasionally he manages to be amusing. This particular skin design has a certain charm to it, perhaps due to the eyes or the overall interpretation of the character.

Download: https://9minecraftskin.com/skin/5821/dr-zoidberg

2. Turanga Leela

Leela is a character that’s not easy to recreate in Minecraft. Her unique features, such as having only one eye and a distinct facial structure, make it challenging to find a good skin for her. However, after a long search, I found one that’s pretty decent. It features her trademark purple hair, her wrist device, and of course, her iconic single eye.

Download: https://9minecraftskin.com/skin/5822/turanga-leela

3. Robot Devil “Beelzebot”

The episodes featuring the Robot Devil in Futurama were always a treat, with their catchy tunes, wicked laughs, and even some fiddling. This Minecraft skin captures all the intricate details of the original character with great accuracy.

Download: https://9minecraftskin.com/skin/5823/robot-devil-beelzebot

4. Philip Jay Fry

This Minecraft skin features the remarkable protagonist of the TV series, who possesses numerous talents and a fair bit of intelligence. Sure, he may not always make the wisest choices, but let’s cut him some slack, his life was a complete disaster in 1999. And even after being cryogenically frozen for a millennium, things still didn’t seem to improve much. While the design of the skin may not be particularly unique, it’s still a solid representation of the character.

Download: https://9minecraftskin.com/skin/5824/philip-jay-fry

5. Scruffy Scruffington

This is a Minecraft skin based on the previously underrated Planet Express janitor. I say “previously” because, after numerous small appearances, this character finally got more screen time from season 2 onwards. He’s a regular guy who doesn’t seem to have much going on in life. But he’s mainly known for being extremely apathetic towards…well, everything. The original Futurama cartoon character is not particularly visually impressive.

Download: https://9minecraftskin.com/skin/5825/scruffy-scruffington

6. Amy Wong-Kroker

Amy is a student at Mars University who enjoys partying, possibly due to her privileged upbringing. Her peers occasionally tease her about this. However, she has since moved on to a different life, having earned a Ph.D. And of course, any skin featuring Amy simply must include her signature pink outfit.

Download: https://9minecraftskin.com/skin/5826/amy-wong-kroker

7. Zapp Brannigan

Zapp Brannigan started on the show with an overconfident attitude that never really faded. Despite this, he always managed to bring the humor, and his character was certainly a force to be reckoned with. While some might consider this skin a bit simplistic, there are not many highly-detailed Zapp skins available. So if you want to showcase your admiration for this buffoon, this skin might be your best bet.

Download: https://9minecraftskin.com/skin/5827/zapp-brannigan

8. Bender

Out of all the Bender skins available online, this particular one is my favorite. In the vast array of television shows ever produced, Bender is perhaps the most successful attempt at creating an entertaining and humorous robot character. It’s no wonder we all crave more of him. And as Bender himself would say, “I’m Back, Baby!”

Download: https://9minecraftskin.com/skin/5828/bender

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