Top 3 Insane Seeds with Everything Near Spawn Minecraft 1.19.4, 1.19.2 introdues some incredible Minecraft Survival seeds for you to try. The Spawns are just perfect and have everything you need by spawn: Mangroves, Mesa, Jungle, Minecraft Structures, Biome Diversity, Everything right there. These Seeds are Minecraft Java Edition Seeds AND Minecraft Bedrock Edition Seeds because they have synchronised the two versions well now… there may be a slight change in the structures you will find in Bedrock Edition, but the biomes etc will be the same.

Seed ID #3 (Mesa Lake): -436497117887980569

Seed ID #2 (Mangrove Madness): 55169095443288579

Seed ID #1 (The Hills Are Alive): -1962604225673812469

How to install:

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