World Trick Map (1.21.1, 1.20.1) game is a game map created by Noxgame1230. Welcome to world trick, a fun and enjoyable game map for all players! This map contains 14 interesting levels in which you will have to pull out your best tricks to survive through their challenges. The difficulty also varies greatly between these stages, although most of them require you to think of a way to get down from a high place using the given items (water buckets, ladders, spider webs, …). Besides having great Minecraft skills, one must also possess the ability to think critically and logically to quickly finish these stages! The map is in Polish so you may need the help of translation tools. Download this map from the links below and have fun!

World Trick Map


World Trick Screenshots (1) World Trick Screenshots (2) World Trick Screenshots (3) World Trick Screenshots (4) World Trick Screenshots (5) World Trick Screenshots (6) World Trick Screenshots (7) World Trick Screenshots (8) World Trick Screenshots (9) World Trick Screenshots (10)

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World Trick Map (1.21.1, 1.20.1) Download Links:

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