Chat Manager Plugin (1.21.3, 1.20.1) – Enhance Chat With Filters And Customization Options
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October 21, 2024
Chat Manager Plugin (1.21.3, 1.20.1) is a robust and feature-rich plugin designed to enhance and manage chat functionalities on Minecraft servers. It offers a wide range of features and commands that allow server administrators to control chat behavior, filter messages, and create a more enjoyable chatting experience for players. This plugin is ideal for servers that need comprehensive chat moderation and customization tools.
- Message Filtering:
- Provides extensive filtering options to block offensive words, spam, and advertisements, ensuring a clean and respectful chat environment.
- Chat Formatting:
- Allows customization of chat formats, including prefixes, suffixes, and colors, to create a unique chat style for your server.
- Private Messaging:
- Supports private messaging between players, enhancing communication and privacy.
- Chat Channels:
- Enables the creation of multiple chat channels, allowing players to join and communicate in different channels based on their preferences or roles.
- Mute and Kick Commands:
- Includes commands to mute or kick players from the chat, providing effective moderation tools for administrators.
- Broadcast Messages:
- Allows administrators to send broadcast messages to all players, useful for announcements and important information.
- Anti-Spam Protection:
- Implements anti-spam measures to prevent players from flooding the chat, maintaining a smooth and readable chat flow.
- Permissions Integration:
- Integrates with permissions plugins to control who can access specific chat features and commands, ensuring a structured and organized chat environment.
- JSON Message Support:
- Supports JSON formatting for clickable and hoverable messages, adding interactivity to the chat.
- Auto-Broadcasts:
- Enables automatic broadcasting of messages at set intervals, keeping players informed with regular updates.
Command | Permission | Description |
/ChatManager | No Permission | Main command for the plugin ChatManager that shows the author, and version of the plugin. |
/ChatManager help | No Permission | Display the help page. |
/ChatManager reload | chatmanager.reload | Reloads all the configuration files. |
/ChatManager debug | chatmanager.debug | Debug chat managers configuration files. |
/AntiSwear help | chatmanager.antiswear | Shows a list of commands for the anti-swear feature. |
/AntiSwear add <word> | chatmanager.antiswear.add | Blacklists a word so people cant type it in chat. |
/AntiSwear remove <word> | chatmanager.antiswear.remove | Removes a word from the list of banned words. |
/AntiSwear list | chatmanager.antiswear.list | Shows a list of all the blocked swear words. |
/AutoBroadcast help | chatmanager.autobroadcast | Shows a list of commands for the auto broadcast feature. |
/AutoBroadcast add <world> <message> | chatmanager.autobroadcast.add | Add a new broadcast message to a specific world. |
/AutoBroadcast create <world> <message> | chatmanager.autobroadcast.create | Create a new world for auto broadcast messages to be sent in. |
/AutoBroadcast list <world> | chatmanager.autobroadcast.list | Shows a list of all the broadcasted messages in a world. |
/BannedCommands help | chatmanager.bannedcommands | Shows a list of commands for the banned comamnds feature. |
/BannedCommands add <command> | chatmanager.bannedcommands.add | Adds a commands to the list of banned commands. |
/BannedCommands remove <command> | chatmanager.bannedcommands.remove | Removes a command from the list of banned commands. |
/BannedCommands list | chatmanager.bannedcommands.list | Shows a list of all the banned commands. |
/Announcement <message> | chatmanager.announcement | Sends an announcement message to the entire server. |
/Broadcast <message> | chatmanager.broadcast | Broadcast a message to the entire server. |
/ClearChat | chatmanager.clearchat | Clears chat for everyone on the server. |
/Colors | chatmanager.colors | Shows a list of color codes. |
/CommandSpy | chatmanager.commandspy | See what commands everyone types on the server. |
/Formats | chatmanager.formats | Shows a list of all the format codes. |
/List | chatmanager.lists.players | Shows a list of all the players that are currently online. |
/Message <player> <message> | chatmanager.message | Sends a private message to the specified player. |
/Message <self> <message> | chatmanager.message.self | Sends a private message to yourself. |
/MuteChat | chatmanager.mutechat | Mutes the server chat preventing players from talking in chat. |
/MuteChat -s | chatmanager.mutechat.silent | Mutes the server chat silently preventing players from talking in chat. |
/MOTD | No Permission | Shows the servers message of the day. |
/Perworldchat bypass | chatmanager.perworldchat.bypass | Allow players to see what you type in chat in every world. |
/Ping | | Shows your current ping. |
/Ping [player] | | Shows other players current ping. |
/Reply <message> | chatmanager.reply | Quickly reply to the last player to message you. |
/Rules | chatmanager.rules | Shows a list of the server rules. |
/Socialspy | chatmanager.socialspy | Spy on players and see what they message to other players. |
/Staff | chatmanager.lists.staff | Shows a list of all the staff members that are currently online. |
/StaffChat [message] | chatmanager.staffchat | Send private messages to all staff on the server. |
/Togglechat | | Blocks players from receiving any chat messages. |
/Togglementions | chatmanager.toggle.mentions | Blocks players from receiving any mention notifications. |
/TogglePM | | Blocks players from sending private messages to you. |
/Warning <message> | chatmanager.warning | Send out a warning message to everyone on the server. |
- This plugin need Vault installed, drag both file to plugins folder.
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Spigot Plugins
- Don’t miss out today’s latest Minecraft Plugins
Chat Manager Plugin (1.21.3, 1.20.1) Download Links
For All Versions from Minecraft 1.7 to Minecraft 1.20.6
For Minecraft 1.21.1
For Minecraft 1.21.3
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