If you are looking for a new challenge in Minecraft, you might want to explore an ancient city. These are massive structures that generate in the deep dark biome, at layer -51. They are full of loot, secrets, and dangers. In this post, I will give you some tips and tricks on how to survive and thrive in an ancient city.

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3. Starting out

3.1 Finding a city

The first step to exploring an ancient city is to find one. Ancient cities are very rare and generate only in deep dark biomes, which are themselves rare and generate only below layer 0. To find a deep dark biome, you need to dig down to the negative Y levels, where the world becomes darker and more dangerous. You can use a lodestone compass to help you navigate in the negative Y levels, as a normal compass will not work there.

There are two ways to find a deep dark biome:

  • The first way is to look for deepslate , which is a dark stone that replaces normal stone below layer 0. Deepslate can indicate that you are close to a deep dark biome, as they often generate near each other. However, deepslate can also generate in other biomes, so this method is not very reliable.
  • The second way is to look for sculk blocks , which are organic blocks that grow in deep dark biomes. Sculk blocks can emit sounds and vibrations, which can be detected by a sculk sensor. You can craft a sculk sensor with a nether quartz and four copper ingots, and place it on the ground. The sculk sensor will light up and make a clicking sound when it detects a vibration nearby. You can use this to locate the source of the vibration, which could be a sculk block or a warden.

Once you find a deep dark biome, you need to look for an ancient city. Ancient cities are very large and have a distinctive shape, resembling a palace with statues and towers. They also have an entrance, which is a large archway with stairs leading down to the city floor. You can use your potions of night vision to see better in the dark, and your potions of speed or ender pearls to move faster in the biome.

3.2 What not to do


When you enter an ancient city, there are some things that you should avoid doing, as they could alert the warden or trigger traps:

  • Do not make loud noises, such as breaking blocks, placing blocks, opening chests, using doors, shooting arrows, throwing items, eating food, drinking potions, etc. These noises can create vibrations that can be detected by the warden or the sculk shriekers, which can spawn more wardens.
  • Do not walk on wool or carpet floors without sneaking. These floors can hide sculk sensors underneath them, which can activate traps such as pistons, dispensers, droppers, etc. These traps can harm you or make noises that can alert the warden.
  • Do not walk on pressure plates or tripwire hooks without sneaking. These devices can also activate traps that can harm you or make noises that can alert the warden.
  • Do not touch lava pools or fire sources without potions of fire resistance. These sources can burn you and make noises that can alert the warden.
  • Do not touch sculk shriekers without potions of milk. These blocks can give you negative effects like blindness or nausea, which can impair your vision or movement.

4. Exploring the city

Once you are inside an ancient city, you need to be careful and stealthy. The city is full of loot chests that contain valuable items, but also full of dangers that can kill you. Here are some tips on how to explore the city safely and efficiently:

4.1 Destroying sculk shriekers

Sculk shriekers are one of the main threats in an ancient city. They are blocks that look like purple flowers with teeth, and they grow on sculk blocks. They have two functions:

  • They can give you negative effects like blindness or nausea when you touch them or get close to them.
  • They can spawn wardens when they detect vibrations in the city. They can also make loud noises that can alert other wardens.

To prevent sculk shriekers from spawning wardens or harming you, you need to destroy them as soon as possible. You can use any tool or weapon to break them, but be careful not to make too much noise. You can also use potions of invisibility to avoid their effects, or potions of milk to remove them.

Destroying sculk shriekers will also stop them from growing more sculk blocks , which can reduce the size of the city and make it easier to explore. However, if you want to collect sculk blocks, you need to use a tool with Silk Touch, as breaking them without it will drop nothing.

4.2 Fighting the warden

The warden is the most dangerous mob in an ancient city. It is a huge creature that looks like a humanoid with horns and fur, and it has 300 health points (150 ). It is blind, but it can sense vibrations and sounds in the city. It can deal 30 damage (15 ) per hit on normal difficulty, and 45 damage (22.5 ) on hard difficulty, even if you wear full netherite armor. It can also stun you for a few seconds if you block its attack with a shield.

To fight the warden, you need to be prepared and strategic. Here are some tips on how to defeat the warden:

  • Use your potions of invisibility to avoid its sight, but remember that it can still hear you. You need to sneak and avoid making noises, such as walking on wool or carpet floors, breaking blocks, placing blocks, opening chests, using doors, shooting arrows, throwing items, eating food, drinking potions, etc.
  • Use your potions  of night vision to see it better in the dark, and your potions of speed or ender pearls to outrun it or escape from it.
  • Use your bow or crossbow to shoot it from a distance and knock it back. Aim for its head for more damage. You can also use fireworks (for crossbow) to deal explosive damage and set it on fire.
  • Use your sword to slash it when it gets close to you. Use Fire Aspect to set it on fire and Looting to get more loot from it. You can also use Sweeping Edge to hit multiple wardens at once if they are nearby.
  • Use your shield to block some of its damage and prevent it from stunning you. However, be careful not to block too often, as the warden can break your shield if you do so.
  • Use your golden apples or enchanted golden apples to heal yourself and get extra effects like regeneration and absorption.

  • Use your potions of healing or regeneration to heal yourself faster than food or golden apples.
  • Use your TNT or beds to blast it and deal massive damage. However, be careful not to blast yourself or make too much noise.
  • Use your cobwebs or honey blocks to slow it down or trap it in place. However, be careful not to get stuck yourself or make too much noise.
  • Use your snowballs or eggs to distract it or lure it away from you. However, be careful not to hit yourself or make too much noise.
  • Use your jukebox and music disc to play music and calm it down. This will make it less aggressive and more passive towards you. However, be careful not to make too much noise.