Minecraft 1.17 Snapshot 21w13a introduces the goats and gives natural spawning to axolotl and glow squids. This update adds Goats, Glow Squid, and Axolotls naturally spawning in the world. Goats can be found in Mountain biomes, although new mountain generation has not been implemented yet. Axolotls and Glow Squid can be found spawning in underground water sources, but they may make their way to the surface.

Minecraft 1.17 Snapshot 21w13a


  • Added the goat.
  • Added an accessibility option.
  • Tweaks to Caves.
  • Tweaks to Ore Distribution.
  • Tweaks to Powdered Snow.
  • Dripstone clusters can now be found rarely in normal caves.
  • Deepslate blobs can now be found between heights 0 and 16.
  • Axolotls and glow squids now spawn in underground water sources.
  • Axolotls will now always chase after and attack squids, glow squids, tropical fish, cod, salmon, pufferfish, drowned, guardians, and elder guardians.
  • Axolotls now have a two-minute cooldown after hunting non-hostile targets such as fish, squids, etc.
  • They will prioritize targeting hostile mobs first before hunting.
  • Bees now see Flowering Azalea (and Flowering Azalea Leaves) as flowers.
  • Additions to Wandering Trader and Mason trades.
  • Additions to chest loot tables.


  • Goats spawn in Mountains.
  • Goats can scale the sides of mountains with their incredible jumps.
  • Goats can be tempted and bred using Wheat.
  • Goats are another source of milk.


  • Added an alternative solid black background color for the Mojang Studios loading screen, toggleable with the “Monochrome Logo” accessibility option.


Minecraft 1.17 Snapshot 21w13a Screenshots 1

Minecraft 1.17 Snapshot 21w13a Screenshots 2

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Minecraft 1.17 Snapshot 21w13a Screenshots 8

Minecraft 1.17 Snapshot 21w13a Screenshots 9

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Server: Download from Server 1