Minecraft 1.20 Official Download is “Trails and Tales,” and it’s all about storytelling and creativity. In addition to all the new features—including the mob vote winner, a new biome, brand new blocks, archaeology, and more—it’s got a name of it’s very own. Minecraft 1.20 is “Trails and Tales” and it’s focused on “storytelling and world building” according to Mojang. Best of all, the new features and name don’t require you to wait any longer to get a taste for yourself.

Mojang doesn’t want Minecraft to feel clingy, as they’ve said, and want players to keep playing and starting new worlds because they’re feeling inspired, not because they feel chained to the crafting grind. That’s why the main theme of version 1.20 is “self expression, creativity, and intrinsic motivation.”



Bamboo Mosaic
  • A plank variant exclusive to the bamboo wood set.
  • Crafted by arranging 2 bamboo slabs in a vertical strip.
  • Can be used to craft respective stairs and slabs variant.
Bamboo Planks
  • Crafted using 1 block of bamboo (stripped or unstripped) to craft 2 bamboo planks.
  • Can be used to craft respective  buttons,  doors,  fences,  fence gates,  pressure plates, signs,  slabs,  stairs, and  trapdoors.
  • Can be used to craft bamboo rafts and bamboo raft with chests.
  • Can be used to craft wooden blocks or items, (eg. chest).
Block of Bamboo
  • New log-like block.
  • Block of bamboo can be crafted from 9 bamboo and can be stripped like other wood logs.
  • Bamboo planks crafted from block of bamboo yield only 2 planks compared to 4 for wood logs.
Calibrated Sculk Sensor
  • A new variant of sculk sensor which allows players to filter vibrations based on their frequency level.
  • Does not spawn naturally.
  • Can only be crafted with 1 sculk sensor and 3 amethyst shards in the crafting table.
  • One side of the calibrated sculk sensor can receive a redstone signal as an input.
    • The strength of that redstone signal is the only vibration frequency the sculk sensor will listen to.
  • Detects vibrations up to 16 blocks radius, instead of 8 blocks.
  • Lasts 10 game ticks when in Active phase, instead of 30.
Cherry Leaves
  • A new type of leaves, generated in cherry trees.
  • Emits pink (#D193B4) cherry_leaves particles falling underneath.
Cherry Log
  • A new type of log, generated as a part of cherry trees.
  • Can be crafted into cherry planks and wood.
  • Has a stripped variant as well,  wood and stripped wood.
    • The stripped variant can be used to craft cherry hanging sign.
Cherry Planks
  • Crafted from cherry logs.
  • Can be used to craft respective buttons, doors, fences, fence gates, pressure plates, signs, slabs, stairs, and trapdoors.
  • Can be used to craft cherry boats and cherry boat with chests.
  • Can be used to craft wooden blocks or items, (eg. chest)
Cherry Sapling
  • A new type of sapling which grows into a cherry tree when planted.
  • Drops underneath cherry leaves.
  • Can break off a fully grown one and plant it to grow a cherry tree.
  • Can be placed in flower pots.
Chiseled Bookshelf
  • Can be crafted with 6 planks and 3 wooden slabs.
  • Can store up to six books, enchanted books, written books, books and quills or knowledge books.
    • Books in chiseled bookshelves can be added or removed from any slot by targeting the specific slot.
    • Books are directly added and removed, so there is no interface.
  • Can be used with a redstone comparators (giving a signal strength matching that of the slot that was last interacted with).
  • Can be used with a hopper and dropper.
  • Do not increase the power of enchanting tables.
  • Require a Silk Touch axe to mine.
Decorated Pot
  • Can be crafted with any 20 pottery sherds or brick items, in a rhombic crafting configuration.
    • The type of crafting material decides which picture will display on its respective side of the decorated pot (e.g. an “arms up” pottery sherd in the top slot will display on the back).
      • The brick item will not have a picture, and will instead be blank.
    • The materials used in crafting will be displayed on the tooltip.
  • Very fragile and easy to break.
    • Will break apart into its crafting materials when broken using any block-breaking tool.
    • Will drop itself when broken using an empty hand or a block-breaking tool with Silk Touch, or when moved by pistons.
  • Has a property named cracked.
    • Is used to determine the sounds the block will use upon breaking.
Hanging Sign
  • A more expensive version of normal signs, which can be crafted with 2 chains and 6 stripped logs, yielding 6 of them.
  • Has a total of 11 variants: oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, mangrove, crimson, warped, bamboo, and cherry.
  • Can be hung up in the following ways:
    • Underneath a block that provides support in the center, like a fence or an iron bar.
      • When the hanging sign is placed underneath a non-full block, or when placed while sneaking, the chains will take on an upside-down v-shape. Signs in this configuration can be placed in 16 different angles, similar to an armor stand.
    • Underneath a full block.
      • When the hanging sign is placed underneath a full block, the chains will be on parallel sides of the sign. Signs in this configuration can be placed in the 4 cardinal directions, North, South, East, and West.
    • Attached to the solid side of a block.
      • When attached to the side of a block, its chains will be parallel, hanging onto a horizontal bar sticking out from the side of said block. Hanging signs in this configuration will display text perpendicular to the side of the block they were attached to.
    • Attached to the side or underneath another hanging sign.
      • This will display the same way as being placed underneath a non-full block.
  • Cannot be placed directly on the ground without support from the side or above.
    • However, hanging signs that have a horizontal bar will not break when the supporting block is removed.
  • If it is hanging underneath a block and that block is broken, the hanging sign will also break immediately.
  • Unlike regular signs, the space available for text is much smaller.
  • Text can be dyed with any color of dye and tinted with glow ink sacs to make text glow.
Piglin Head
  • Piglins will now drop their heads when killed by a charged creeper.
  • The piglin head will flap its ears when powered by redstone, or when worn by a player while walking, similar to the ender dragon head.
Pink Petals
  • A new type of surface block, which generates naturally in cherry groves.
  • Renewable when applying a bone meal to an existing set of pink petals or to the ground of cherry groves.
  • Similar to sea pickle, pink petals can be placed up to 4 in one dirt-related block.
  • Can be placed directionally.
  • Can be crafted into pink dye.
Pitcher Plant
  • A type of plant which grows from the pitcher pod after 4 stages (5 stages in total).
  • If grown fully, it will only drop itself when broken, otherwise it drops the pod.
  • Can be crafted into two cyan dye.
  • Cannot be placed in a flower pot.
  • Can be destroyed by ravagers.
Sniffer Egg
  • Can be found in the suspicious sand loot table found at warm ocean ruins.
  • Dropped when two sniffers breed.
  • Hatches into a baby snifflet.
    • When placed on a moss block, it will hatch after approximately 10 minutes.
    • On all other blocks, it will hatch in approximately 20 minutes.
Suspicious Gravel
  • Looks similar to gravel, with a rougher texture.
  • Affected by gravity, although it vanishes when landing.
  • Generates naturally in cold ocean ruins and trail ruins, with different archaeological loot tables.
  • Has shovel as an assigned tool.
    • Drops nothing when mined or moved, even if mining with Silk Touch.
  • Brushing the suspicious gravel with a brush will extract objects.
    • Has 4 stages of extraction (displayed through the texture), and will “recover” gradually when brushing is stopped.
    • Turns to regular gravel once extraction is done.
    • Only suspicious gravel with a valid archaeological loot table (the ones naturally generated) can extract an item.
  • Can have bamboo planted on it.
Suspicious Sand
  • Looks similar to sand, with a rougher texture.
  • Affected by gravity, although it vanishes when landing.
  • Generates naturally in warm ocean ruins, desert temples and desert wells, with different archaeological loot tables.
  • Has shovel as an assigned tool.
    • Drops nothing when mined or moved, even if mining with Silk Touch.
  • Brushing the suspicious sand with a brush will extract objects.
    • Has 4 stages of extraction (displayed through the texture), and will “recover” gradually when brushing is stopped.
    • Turns to regular sand once extraction is done.
    • Only suspicious sand with a valid archaeological loot table (the ones naturally generated) can extract an item.
  • Can have cacti and sugar cane planted on it.
  • A new type of flower, which grows from torchflower seeds after 2 stages (3 stages in total).
  • Doesn’t emit light, despite the name.
  • If it’s in its third growth stage, it will only drop itself when broken, otherwise it will drop its seed.
  • Can be crafted into an orange dye.
  • Can be planted in a flower pot.
  • Can be used to craft suspicious stew, giving the player Night Vision.
  • Can be used to tempt and breed bees.


  • An item which can be used in the new archaeology system.
  • Can be crafted with a stick, a copper ingot and a feather in a vertical line, respectively.
  • Consumes 1 durability point when extracting an item from suspicious sand or suspicious gravel successfully.
  • Has no effect when brushing anything other than suspicious sand or suspicious gravel.
Music Disc
  • Added a new music disc by Aaron Cherof titled “Relic”.
    • Can only be obtained when brushing suspicious gravels within trail ruins, with a 1⁄12 chance of appearing as a rare loot.
    • Gives a comparator output signal strength of 14 when in a Jukebox.
Pitcher Pod
  • Can be planted on farmland and grows into a pitcher plant.
  • Can only be obtained if a sniffer digs up a pitcher pod.
  • Drops pitcher plant when fully grown, otherwise drops itself.
  • Can be picked up and planted by farmer villagers.
Pottery Sherds
  • An item found by using a brush on suspicious sand.
  • There are currently 20 known varieties:
    • Angler Pottery Sherd
    • Archer Pottery Sherd
    • Arms up Pottery Sherd
    • Blade Pottery Sherd
    • Brewer Pottery Sherd
    • Burn Pottery Sherd
    • Danger Pottery Sherd
    • Explorer Pottery Sherd
    • Friend Pottery Sherd
    • Heart Pottery Sherd
    • Heartbreak Pottery Sherd
    • Howl Pottery Sherd
    • Miner Pottery Sherd
    • Mourner Pottery Sherd
    • Plenty Pottery Sherd
    • Prize Pottery Sherd
    • Sheaf Pottery Sherd
    • Shelter Pottery Sherd
    • Skull Pottery Sherd
    • Snort Pottery Sherd
Smithing Templates
  • New item series for trimming armor and upgrading diamond armor to netherite, with sixteen varieties of armor trims.
    • Netherite Upgrade
    • Armor trims:
      • Coast Armor Trim
      • Dune Armor Trim
      • Eye Armor Trim
      • Host Armor Trim
      • Raiser Armor Trim
      • Rib Armor Trim
      • Sentry Armor Trim
      • Shaper Armor Trim
      • Silence Armor Trim
      • Snout Armor Trim
      • Spire Armor Trim
      • Tide Armor Trim
      • Vex Armor Trim
      • Ward Armor Trim
      • Wayfinder Armor Trim
      • Wild Armor Trim
  • They can be obtained randomly from chests generated in their respective structures.
    • Exceptions:
      • While randomly generated in other rooms, a netherite upgrade smithing template is also guaranteed in every treasure room in a bastion remnant.
      • 1 eye armor trim is guaranteed in every stronghold library chest.
      • A single tide armor trim is sometimes dropped by elder guardians upon death.
      • Host, raiser, shaper and wayfinder trims are found by brushing Suspicious Sand and Suspicious Gravel in Trail Ruins.
    • Some armor trims are rarer than others, with a higher or lower chance of generating depending on the set rarity.
    • The following common armor trims always generate 2 templates in a chest when found:
      • Dune
      • Coast
      • Wild
      • Sentry
  • Consumed when used to upgrade an item in the smithing table.
  • Cannot be crafted directly, but a copy can be made by crafting in the following pattern:
    • 7 diamonds, in a U shape.
    • 1 block of material that the template is made out of, placed in the center slot of the crafting grid.
    • 1 smithing template, placed in the remaining top middle slot.
Spawn Eggs
  • Camel spawn egg
  • Sniffer spawn egg.
Torchflower Seeds
  • A new type of seed, which can be planted on farmland and grows into a torchflower.
  • Can only be obtained if a sniffer digs up a torchflower seed.
  • Can be used to tempt and breed chickens and parrots.
  • Can be used to breed and tempt sniffers.
  • Can be picked up and planted by farmer villagers.


  • A rideable entity, which can be equipped with a saddle and ridden by two players.
  • Has 32× 16 health points.
  • Spawns naturally in desert villages.
  • Can be bred with cacti, and will follow players holding a cactus on hand.
  • Mobs that are 2 blocks tall and lower cannot reach the player (except spiders) when the player is riding it, due to its height.
  • Can walk over 1.5 block tall obstacles (such as fences and blocks with a slab on top).
  • Will randomly sit down.
    • While sitting, it is difficult to convince them to move.
  • Can either walk slowly or sprint quickly.
  • Can also dash forward (if the player uses the jump key while riding it) but will lose stamina for a while.
    • When it loses stamina, it cannot sprint or dash again for a few seconds.
    • A dash can extend more than 10 blocks when executed perfectly.
  • A new passive mob, which is also the mob vote winner of Minecraft Live 2022.
  • Considered to be the first “ancient” mob.
  • Very large (2×2 full blocks).
  • Has 14 × 7 health points.
  • Cannot spawn naturally.
  • Often sniffs in the air and occasionally digs for torchflower seeds.
    • The digging has a cooldown of 8 minutes.
    • The last 20 dug blocks are remembered with a sniffer_explored_positions memory, and are not eligible for digging again.
  • Can be bred and tempted with torchflower seeds, laying a sniffer egg.

Non-mob entities

Cherry boat
  • A new type of boat, crafted with cherry planks.
  • Can be used to craft a variant with a Chest.
  • A new type of boat, crafted with bamboo planks.
  • Can be used to craft a variant with a chest.
  • They function the same way as ordinary boats, but have a unique look to them.
    • A raft’s model is higher than a boat.

World generation

  • New type of tree variant that is found in cherry groves, can be grown from cherry saplings.
  • Occasionally generated with a bee nest.
  • Tree trunks fork or bend high up, and are then covered up in large, round canopies of cherry leaves.
  • The concept was proposed in 2013 by Patrick Geuder,[1][2] but was ultimately not added at the time.
Cherry Grove
  • A new biome which contains cherry trees.
  • Located in the mountains, like meadows.
  • Pigs, sheep, rabbits, and bees can spawn here.
Trail Ruins
  • A buried generated structure from a lost culture.
  • Generates in taigas, snowy taigas, old growth taigas (both types), old growth birch forests, and jungles.
  • Comprised of a tower, a path across the bottom, and a few additional rooms attached to the side.
  • Contains suspicious gravel, as well as mud bricks and several colors of terracotta and glazed terracotta.
  • Four armor trims and seven pottery sherds can be found here.
  • In the suspicious gravel, the player can find:
    • Wooden hoe
    • Coal
    • Wheat
    • Gold nugget
    • Seeds
    • Beet seeds
    • String
    • Oak hanging sign
    • Spruce hanging sign
    • Blue glass pane
    • Red glass pane
    • Yellow glass pane
    • Light blue glass pane
    • Purple glass pane
    • Magenta glass pane
    • Pink glass pane
    • Blue dye
    • Yellow dye
    • Orange dye
    • Light blue dye
    • White dye
    • Brick
    • Green candles
    • Red candles
    • Purple candles
    • Brown candles
    • Leash
    • Dead bush
    • Clay block
    • Burn Pottery Sherd
    • Danger Pottery Sherd
    • Friend Pottery Sherd
    • Heart Pottery Sherd
    • Heartbreak Pottery Sherd
    • Howl Pottery Sherd
    • Sheaf Pottery Sherd
    • Host Armor Trim
    • Raiser Armor Trim
    • Shaper Armor Trim
    • Wayfinder Armor Trim
  • Rare loot items and common loot items each have their own dedicated archaeological loot table.


How to install:

  • To install the Official Release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the “Launch Options” tab.
  • Official Release can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.

Minecraft 1.20 Official Download Links

Java Client: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

Java Server: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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