Minecraft 1.21.4 Snapshot 24w46a – Holder Types & Resin Wolf Farm
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November 13, 2024
Mojang Studios released Minecraft 1.21.4 Snapshot 24w46a for Java Edition. However, it doesn’t include any exciting new features. Instead, the developers have made adjustments to certain mobs and blocks. In last week’s snapshot, Mojang improved how certain mobs pick up items. For instance, skeletons now prioritize picking up a bow over melee weapons. This change was also applied to wither skeletons. Resin clumps, the creaking mob, and the creaking heart have also received slight tweaks.
Additions and modifications:
- Wither skeletons no longer prefer the bow as their weapon.
- Grinches now persist when a world is reloaded.
- The mining speed and resistance of grinch hearts are now doubled.
- Resin sounds have been softened.
- Resin lumps can be placed on any face of an adjacent block.
- Resin lumps can now be saturated with water and can therefore be placed underwater.
Technical elements: Data pack version 60
- Removal of the creaking_transient entity type.
- Removal of trim_templates.
- Added the object tag #wither_skeleton_disliked_weapons for weapons that Wither skeletons do not want to pick up.
Resource pack version 45
- All blocks that previously only rendered the block entity (banners, heads, beds, chests, conduits, decorative vases, shulker boxes, and signs) will now also render the normal block model on top (similar to bells, enchantment tables, etc.).
- Added special model types standing_sign & hanging_sign, rendering a standing sign and a hanging sign, respectively.
- Changes to the minecraft:condition item model type:
- Added boolean properties extended_view and keybind_down.
- The boolean property shift_down has been replaced by extended_view.
- Added the property local_time, replacing the boolean property xmas, which returns the current time formatted according to a given model. The value is updated every second.
- Added the property holder_type, which returns the type of holding entity, if present.
Java Runtime Environment
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Minecraft Snapshots
Minecraft 1.21.4 Snapshot 24w46a Download Links
Client: Download from Server 1
Server: Download from Server 1
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