MobsToEggs Plugin (1.21, 1.20.1) gives your server a catchy new feature with players able to catch mobs by throwing a custom projectile (catch capsule) at them. Mobs To Eggs allows your players to get spawn eggs legitimately.


  • Catch mobs and give players spawn eggs.
  • Turn mob catching on and off per mob.
  • Change the projectile the catches the mob (snowball, egg, ender pearl, etc)
  • Define the catch chance for each mob.
  • Set an item or money cost for catching mobs.
  • Works right out of the box.
  • Customizable messages.
  • 76 mobs to catch.
  • Supports Enderman catching.
  • Supports catching mobs with no vanilla spawn egg (boss mobs, golems).
  • Allow or deny spawner changing.
  • Particles and sounds when mobs are caught or failed to be caught.
  • Give the mob catching capsule a custom name and/or lore.
  • Save mob data to spawn eggs with a toggle to turn off.
  • Options to punch or throw the catch capsule in order to catch the mob.
  • CustomModelData support for both catch capsule and mob spawn eggs.


Throw the catch capsule projectile defined in the config at the mob you want to catch, and it will have a chance to be encapsulated into the mob egg.

If you wish to use economy features, you need to install Vault and an economy plugin.


  • /mte | Show plugin information (No permission needed)
  • /mte help | Display the plugin help menu (No permission needed)
  • /mte reload | Reload plugin config file (mobstoeggs.*)
  • /mte give <amount> <player> | Give a specified amount of mob catching capsules to the selected player (mobstoeggs.give)


How to install:

  • Download a plugin of your choice.
  • Place the .jar and any other files in your plugins directory.
  • Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
  • Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
  • Run the server.
  • All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.

MobsToEggs Plugin (1.21, 1.20.1) Download Links

For Minecraft Bukkit 1.15

Download from Server 1

For All Versions from Minecraft Bukkit 1.16 to Minecraft Bukkit 1.18.2

Download from Server 1

For Minecraft Bukkit 1.19, 1.19.1

Download from Server 1

For All Versions from Minecraft Bukkit 1.19.2 to Minecraft Bukkit 1.20.1

Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

For Minecraft Bukkit 1.20.4

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For Minecraft Bukkit 1.20.6

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For Minecraft Bukkit 1.21

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