Swarm Craft Addon (1.19) – MCPE/Bedrock Mod
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December 29, 2023
Swarm Craft Addon (1.19) is an innovative MCPE addon that brings the mechanics of the popular game “Bee Swarm Simulator” into the Minecraft universe. This addon introduces a new gameplay mechanic where players can hatch, tame, and level up bees, which will then collect pollen from flowers and convert it into honey.
Let’s get you started
- When you start your world you will need a few items to get you started, look around and find a Honey Bear!
- Honey Bears will be everywhere in your world they are very passive creatures, when you find one interact with it to recieve your Starting Gear!
- (This will only work once per player)
- The Starting Gear will be three items, none of them can be removed from your inventory until used except the Honey Shop that will stay with you forever.
- When your world is created every player will be added to the Honey Scoreboard
- The Bee Hive can be placed down where ever you feel you would like it, but make sure you like where you place it as it can not be moved!
- When you have your Bee Hive set up use the Basic Egg to hatch your first Bee
- When you hatch a Bee, you will receive a Jar of Taming Jelly to tame Bee, When your Bee is tame it will follow you anywhere collecting pollen as you go
- The last item you will get from your Starting Gear is the Honey Shop.
- Interact with the Honey Shop to start spending your hard-earned Honey
- At the Honey Shop you will be able to purchase Basic Eggs to hatch more Bees, the price of the Basic Eggs will increase every time you purchase one
- When you have enough Honey you can purchase Leveling Jelly to level up your Bees to make them more productive
Pollen, Honey, and Hatching Eggs
- Your Bee Hive is very important, not only is it where you hatch eggs but it is also where you turn Pollen into Honey, Let me explain!
- When you Hatch a Bee and tame it, take it to some flowers there it will hover above the Flower collecting Pollen, when the Bee has finished you will receive the Pollen it has collected in your inventory. Take that Pollen to your Hive and the Pollen will be taken from your hand automatically and added to the Honey Scoreboard. It is that simple!
- When a Bee has taken all the Pollen from one Flower it will disappear and your Bee will move on to the next
- Any Bee that is within one block of a Bee Hive will automatically be healed back to full health, although this may not seem important now as you can’t really damage a Bee, it will be very important when Mob Bosses come to the add-on
- Basic Eggs have a chance to hatch into Basic, Common, Rare, Ultra Rare, Legendary and Mythical Bees, the rarer the Bee the less time it will take for them to collect Pollen and the more Pollen they will give per Flower, plus the cooler they will look!
- Each rarety of Bee has it’s own Leveling Jelly, the higher your Bees Level the more Pollen they will collect for you, each Bee can be raised to level 10
- There are 6 rareties of Bee: Basic, Common, Rare, Ultra Rare, Legendary and Mythical
- The rarer the Bee the harder they work meaning the more Honey you get to spend.
- If any of your Bees were to die they will drop an item to recover that Bee from your Hive, all levels will be lost
- The Basic Bee is the most Basic of Bees, they are not very productive but will get you started, at level 1 they will collect Pollen for 30 seconds giving 5 Pollen when finished.
Common Bees
- Angry Bee
Rare Bees
- Cool Bee
Ultra-Rare Bee
- Albino Bee
Legendary Bees
- Soul Bee
Mythical Bees
- Cyborg Bee
Moth Bee
Installation Note:
- Make sure you activated the Experimental Gameplay:
How to install:
How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE
How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE
How To Install Map on Minecraft PE
Swarm Craft Addon (1.19) Download Links
For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.19
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