Really Disturbing Tank Engines Mod 1.7.10
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September 15, 2016
Really Disturbing Tank Engines Mod 1.7.10 adds a fast, deadly, disturbing hostile mob from Thomas and his friends. Exotic foods and a unique weapon were also implemented in this mod.
Toby The Tram Engine:
- Spawns in the desert
- Has 100 hearts
- Drops Toby Meat and Toby Soul
- Attacks pigs, wolfs and the player itself
- Follows coal
- Avoids water but can swim (this may be useful that you may use it as an advantage to run away from him!)
- Runs very fast! Be sure to use these information to avoid getting killed.
- Raw Toby Meat (only drops from Toby, can be cooked)
- Cooked Toby Meat (output of the raw meat after being cooked)
- Toby Soul (only drops from Toby, has potion effects: fire resistance, increased in jump and sprint, time limit: 1 minute)
- The Fat Controller’s Cane (10+ Damage, Sword, similar attributes to the diamond sword, must be crafted)
Crafting Recipes:
Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items (for mods using Forge) or Roughly Enough Items (for mods using Fabric) to view the full recipes included in this mod
Download Links for Really Disturbing Tank Engines Mod 1.7.10
For Minecraft 1.7.10
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