HarryPotterSpells Plugin (1.16.5, 1.15.2) – Bukkit, Spigot, Paper
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September 9, 2022
HarryPotterSpells Plugin (1.16.5, 1.15.2) is the ultimate Harry Potter plugin. Whether you run a Harry Potter server, want to add magic to an RP server, or are just an admin looking for a bit of fun.
- Provides a complete Harry Potter experience
- Can be used on a HarryPotter server, an RPG server, or just to play around
- Has over forty spells, with more in progress
- Cast spells quickly with your magical wand (default: stick)
- Teach users spells with simple commands
Commands and Permissions
Command | Alias | Function | Permission | Default |
/harrypotterspells | /hps | Main plugin command, used to reload plugin and for help | harrypotterspells.harrypotterspells | op |
/wand | – | Gives the sender a wand | harrypotterspells.wand | op |
/teach <spell> [player] | – | Teaches the specified spell | harrypotterspells.teach | op |
/unteach <spell> [player] | – | Unteaches the specified spell (the target player will “forget”) | harrypotterspells.unteach | op |
/spelllist [player] | /sl | List all available spells, or all known spells of the specified player | harrypotterspells.spelllist | true |
/spellinfo <spell> | /si | Shows the description of the specified spell | harrypotterspells.spellinfo | true |
/spellswitch <spell> | /ss | Changes the current spell to the specified spell | harrypotterspells.spellswitch | true |
- Argument Syntax: < > brackets are manditory and [ ] brackets are optional
- Default column represents the default permissions granted:
- op – Only server ops have this permission
- true – Every player should have this permission
- false – No one has this permission
- “All” or “*” can be used for spell to denote all spells
- “Me” (or nothing) can be used for [player] to specify yourself
Other Permissions
Permission | Function | Default |
harrypotterspells.cast | Allows the player to cast all spells they know | op |
harrypotterspells.spell.<spell> | Allows the casting, teaching and spellswitching of the <spell> Note: (By default everyone has access to all spells) |
true |
harrypotterspells.nocooldown.<spell> | Bypass the cooldown of <spell> | false |
harrypotterspells.nocooldown or harrypotterspells.nocooldown.* | Bypass ALL spell cooldowns | op |
harrypotterspells.teach.known | Restricts player to teaching only spells they know | false |
harrypotterspells.wand.others | Allows the player to use /wand to give other players wands | op |
harrypotterspells.list.others | Allows the player to use /spelllist to check another players known spells | op |
- Spells like “Homenum Revelio” would have the permission node of harrypotterspells.spell.homenum-revelio
- All the permission defaults listed here are correct as long as the permission plugin you use does not modify Spigot/Bukkits default permission handling system.
- Permission negation (- -permission.node) is supported as long as the permission plugin you use supports it
- Example: – -harrypotterspells.spell.arrow to prevent player from casting/switching/teaching spell
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugins directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.