Land Craft Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 is a Minecraft mod adding the Landia dimension and various stuff.

  • Enter the realm of the Landia dimension, a land of perpetual storms!
  • Fight 3 new mobs, including the Orwellian Big Brother.
  • Cook Vietnamese food from Landia.
  • 5 new tool materials.

Land Craft mod for minecraft logo

How to get to Landia:

Grab a Landia Portal Marker and place it a few blocks above ground:

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Kill an undead mob in the vicinity (with your favorite weapon), and the portal marker will cast a beam to the ground:

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Walk into the beam (under the portal marker) to enter Landia!

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Wizard: This neutral mob has a high HP (34 half-hearts, in fact), and attacks with blue, exploding fireballs that bypass armor. It attacks if it is provoked.

Big Brother:

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  • This ferocious boss mob of Orwellian proportions must be summoned by placing a Landia Tower in the Landia dimension and following the instructions opened when it is right-clicked. Big Brother attacks not directly, but rather with its henchmen. When it dies, it drops many valuable items, and it even has a chance to drop a Nether Star and/or some Landmaster’s Wings, enabling flight when powered and worn as a chestplate even in survival.
  • Zombie Crabman – Immune to fire/projectiles/magic/explosions, it has 45 half-hearts of health. Drops Landia Crab Flesh, Tomato Vines, and/or Rotten Flesh, with a rare chance of diamonds!


  • 5 new tool materials (progression: Friscion < Garfax < Morganine < Racheline < Kelline)
  • Weather Wand, which toggles the weather in Landia (dropped by Big Brother)
  • Landmaster’s Wings, which enable flight when powered and worn as a chestplate even in survival.
  • Landia Dimension, which currently has two biomes: the blue-foliage Dunans biome, and the Mediterranean Tunis biome.
  • Landia Altar for custom high-tier crafting
    • Multiblock structure constructed as pyramid
      • Landia Altar Core at top
      • Rest of pyramid from Landia Altar Material and Landia Altar Pedestal
      • Ex. (A = Altar Core, M = Altar Material, P = Altar Pedestal)
        • Top layer: A
        • Layer 1 below:
          • MPM
          • MMM
          • MMP
        • Subsequent layers expand square by 2; pedestals may be at any location
      • Place required items on pedestals in Landia; core must have open sky view
      • Trigger on the death of the entity
      • Currently no recipes, but they can be added by Minetweaker
  • Minetweaker support (see wiki)
  • Breeder (Reactor) – Feed it with thorium and a feedstock material (see JEI) to create even more thorium. Keep in mind though, the reactor is most efficient at a temperature of around 20000, and if the temperature goes above 50000, the machine explodes.
    • Temperature Detector
  • Player Mime – In a 9x9x9 area, all mob deaths are treated as player kills, at a cost of energy.
  • Thorium Generator – Generates RF with thorium and water (1000 RF/tick; 400 ticks per thorium ingot; 10 mB/tick of water).
  • Pot – cook certain types of food, such as Pho
  • Landia Portal Marker – Kill an undead mob in the vicinity to activate a portal that will lead to the Landia dimension.
  • Onion, Rice, Cinnamon Tree, Olive Tree
  • Tomato Vines – Grows on farmland like sugarcane, drops tomatoes when ready. Obtained from the Zombie Crabman
  • Pho – a powerful food that gives various buffs
  • Bun Rieu – gives various buffs, different from Pho
  • Pierogi (formerly “Potato Onion Pastry”)

This mod also supports OpenComputers and JEI.


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Minecraft Forge



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Land Craft Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 Download Links

For Minecraft 1.10.2

Land Craft Mod Forge version: Download from Server 1

Landcore Forge version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.11.2

Land Craft Mod Forge version: Download from Server 1

Landcore Forge version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.12.2

Land Craft Mod Forge version: Download from Server 1

Landcore Forge version: Download from Server 1