The UGOCraft mod is a Japanese Minecraft mod that roughly translates to MotionCraft. It adds blocks that change the way that objects in the game are able to move. Structures are able to smoothly slide and rotate in every direction. This makes structures that were previously impossible to build easy to make. Some simple examples of structures that can be built include trains, drawbridges, windmills, elevators, and much more!


Each block will move blocks that are connected to it. They can be activated by placing a lever/button on it or activating it with redstone. Blocks that are moved can hold items, but do not work well with water or lava.



The Slider block will cause blocks to slide in either the vertical or horizontal direction. You can change its acceleration with the controller. It will need to be connected to an On Block. Some basic examples of things that can be created with the slider block include cranes, elevators, and vehicles such as monorails.

On Block:

The On Block is used with the Slider Block.

Off Block:

The Off Block will stop any sliding blocks when it comes in contact with it. Sliding blocks will start at an On block and stop at an Off Block.


The Rotator Block will rotate blocks either horizontal or vertical. Some examples of things that can be made with this are drawbridges and windmills.

Insulation Plate:

Placing the insulation plate on a block will prevent blocks that are in contact with it from moving.


The Controller is used to adjust the acceleration of the sliding block.

TNT Cannon:

The TNT Cannon shoots exploding blocks far.

Ammunition for TNT Cannon:

How to install:

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