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Blood Arsenal Mod (1.12.2, 1.11.2) – Enhance Blood Magic Experience
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March 24, 2022
Blood Arsenal Mod (1.12.2, 1.11.2) is an addon to Way of Time’s Blood Magic mod. There are three new types of armour, a new blood orb, food, new rituals, new functional blocks, new decorative blocks, new weapons and machines, some powerful tools, new traps, new amulets and ring for the Baubles mod, new sigils, new materials, and toys to make early-game Blood Magic a bit easier, and a whole variety of different tools and mechanics to supplement and enhance a player’s Blood Magic experience.
This mod adds in game new Glass Shards for crafting Glass Sacrificial Dagger and Glass Dagger of Sacrifice. These items give a considerably greater amount of LP per operation than the vanilla Blood Magic variants, but with a few side effects.
New tools: Blood Infused Wooden Tools – These tools are quite handy and useful for early game players who don’t want to keep replacing their broken tools.
New Rituals: The Ritual of Withering, the Ritual of Midas Touch, The Enchantress’s Spell, Ritual of Mob Oppression, Fisherman’s Hymn, five new sigils: Sigil of Swimming, Ender Sigil, Sigil of Divinity, Sigil of Augmented Holding, Lightning Sigil, and more other items.
Blocks: Multiple decor blocks including blood infused glass, ice, slate storage blocks, and more!
Lighting and Cake: The cake never disappears! It does use your LP though
The cake never disappears! It does use your LP though
Blood TNT: A larger and quicker form of mundane TNT.
Normal TNT:
Blood TNT:
Machines: Life Essence Materializer: Once an orb is inserted into this block, it will suck out LP from the orb’s owner converting it to Life Essence which can then be pumped out. (converts 150 – 100) Life Infuser: Takes in life essence and gradually repairs a tool using 500 LE each damage point repaired.
The extremely powerful Soul Compacter: Put underneath a master ritual stone with a ritual or underneath an altar. Right click it with an orb to compact the whole thing into one block! WARNING: May use a bit more LP than you’d think!
Items: Bound tools such as Bound Bows, Bound Sickles, Bound Shears, and Bound Igniter! Bound Tools:
New foods including cookies, juice, and oranges!:
Blood Money: Ever wanted to pay someone in blood? Well now you can with blood money! To get the amount of LP received when right-clicked, simply multiply 10000 by the multiplier.
Tools: 3 tiers of tools including wood, iron, and diamond!
Glass Sacrificial Dagger/Dagger of Sacrifice: Improved but more dangerous upgrades to the mundane daggers Grants more LP overall. (You get Glass Shards by breaking glass blocks with flint in your hand (25% chance)
Sigils: Sigil of Swimming: Allows the player to move faster, break faster, and breath underwater!
Ender Sigil:
Sigil of Augmented Holding: An upgraded variant of the Sigil of Holding; holds 9 sigils in total!
Lightning Sigil: Very powerful sigil that summons lightning wherever you point and click!
Armor: A vampire set of armor with a cape, greaves, and boots! They give Strength III when worn too!
Glass Armor: Not very durable but makes the attacking entity bleed.
Life Imbued Armor: Powerful armor able to store LE and utilize it to protect the wearer. Wearing this full set of armor will randomly heal you completely for the cost of LE inside the armor. Can be refilled in the Life Infuser.
Transparent Orb: Dynamic measuring of LP! Magical.
Rituals: 4 new rituals including Ritual of Withering, and Midas Touch! Withering:
Midas Touch has a chance to transmute an iron ingot into a gold ingot!
Enchantress’ Spell: Allows the enchanment of an item with multiple books at the same time costing LP
Fisherman’s Hymn: Fishes fish and other fishable items using fishy mechanics. Outputs the fishhy stuff in a chest above the Master Ritual Stone.
Getting Started:
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Tired of the standard linear beginnings of early Blood Magic? Blood Arsenal adds in a few nifty tools and toys to make early-game Blood Magic a bit easier! To start, once you obtain the Tier II Blood Altar and the Apprentice’s Blood Orb, you can go ahead and break some Glass with Flint in your hand to get some Glass Shards.
These Glass Shards will prove to be quite useful in creating items such as the Glass Sacrificial Dagger or the Glass Dagger of Sacrifice. These items give a considerably greater amount of LP per operation than the vanilla Blood Magic variants, but with a few side effects…
If you notice carefully, you might bleed just a slight bit! Bleeding is a status effect that will take a chunk of your health randomly for as long as you bleed. The amount that you lose is also random, but is related to the strength of the Bleeding effect. Don’t fret about losing too much life at the Blood Altar though! If you (or anything that’s living) bleed near a Blood Altar, a certain amount of the lost life will be dropped in as LP. No sense in wasting perfectly good LP!
Feeling hungry?
A bit drained from all the sacrificing? Need something to get you back up on your feet? Need some sugar? Blood Arsenal has its very own Blood Oranges, made organically from Orange Dye. Simply toss it into an Altar, let it absorb some LP, and you get a rather refreshing fruit that has a good chance of giving you Regeneration.
That’s all well and good. But what about tools? Blood Arsenal adds in plenty of tools, such as the starting Blood Infused Wooden Tools. To get them, simply place a log (any log will do) into a Tier II Blood Altar with 5000 LP to get a Blood Infused Log.
You can use these logs for crafting, or for plain decoration. Here’s what they can be used for:
Blood Infused Wooden Tools are quite handy and useful for early game players who don’t want to keep replacing their broken tools. The material (Blood Infused Wood) that they are made up of is living and regenerative, and the tools themselves will “grow back” and repair themselves using the holder’s Soul Network and a small LP cost. The tools themselves are overall better than stone and up to par with iron.
Glass is dangerous
Thankfully, you can utilize that to your advantage, as long as you’re careful! Glass Shards can be combined to create a block version that is useful for traps, automated LP collection, and just in general, any place where you need some spikes!
These spikes will inflict bleeding and damage any living entity that happens to stroll onto it. Even more useful is the fact that it can go on all six sides of a block! Combine these two properties and you can probably create an early-game LP collection system besides the Altar. Do note however, that entities killed by the spikes or bleeding will drop considerably less mob drops then they would otherwise, so these spikes might not be the best option for a mob drops farm.
What comes next?
If you’re ready to progress down the line of Blood Magic and Blood Arsenal, set your sights on Blood Infused Iron! This material is quite a step up from Blood Infused Wood, and the majority of its features are still upcoming and not implemented yet. However, the tools are implemented and it provides a much stronger, and better capability set than the previous tier. Do note however that the costs are also higher than the previous tier.
Decoration and aesthetics are always a fundamental part of building and design, and Blood Arsenal offers a few blocks that go well with a Blood Magic themed build. As of now, there is Blood Infused Glowstone (which can replace the Glowstone blocks of a Tier III Altar), Blood Infused Iron Blocks, and Blood Stained Glass/Panes along with the previously mentioned Blood Infused Wood blocks. There are also blocks for compressed Slates.
If there weren’t Sigils in this mod, it wouldn’t be a Blood Magic addon!
Sigil of Swimming: This Sigil allows you to swim much more easily underwater, breathe infinitely (for as long as it is active) underwater, and mine blocks much faster. Ideal for players who need to spend a lot of time getting wet and working underwater!
Ender Sigil: Perhaps one of the most handy Sigils yet, this Sigil allows you to access your Ender Chest simply by right-clicking in thin air. But that would be pretty stupid if it only did that! Now now, the Ender Sigil’s true capability is the ability to teleport the user at whatever they are looking at, just as an Enderman would! Simply shift-right click while looking at a block in the distance, and voila, you’re there! That eye is not just for show!
Lightning Sigil: Ever wanted to summon lightning wherever, and whenever you want? Now you can! With the Lightning Sigil, you can point-and-click to spawn lightning wherever you want with a decent amount of LP!
But wait! The fun doesn’t stop there! Shift-right click on this magical piece of stone to switch tiers which in turn changes how much lightning rains down from the sky.
Sigil of Divinity: God-mode achieved!
Sigil of Augmented Holding: Ran out of space with the normal Sigil of Holding? Fear not, for this Sigil holds a total of 9 Sigils instead of your ordinary 5!
The Sigil of Sentience
But there is! Introducing the Altare Aenigmatica! For all your Altar automating needs! This really useful block has a pretty complicated GUI when opened up, so listen carefully! First off, you can place it in any of the 6 directions facing the Blood Altar like so:
Opening the GUI will yield a pretty complicated arrangement of slots. First and foremost, an Orb that is bound to the player must be right-clicked on the block itself to be bound to the player. Next, put the Orb into the Orb slot of the Altare Aenigmatica. Now, any item you want to have crafted inside of the Blood Altar will go into the 9 slots on the left. The current items within the Altar will be displayed within the Altare Aenigmatica’s GUI.
This block is rather complicated. To start, it assumes two things: The Blood Altar has a consistent input of LP from some source, and that you have some method of pulling out items from the Blood Altar after they are done crafting. These two requirements can be accomplished within Blood Magic itself or with other mods.
The Altare Aenigmatica will by default (with no items in the input buffer) place the linked Orb into the Altar. If any item that can be crafted within the Blood Altar is put inside of the Altare Aenigmatica, it will automatically pull out the Orb, and wait until the Blood Altar has enough LP to craft the itemstack of whatever is in its input buffer. Once the Blood Altar has enough LP, the Altare Aenigmatica will then proceed to put the entire itemstack into the Altar for it to craft. Pretty darn useful eh?
Blood Arsenal has plenty of Baubles integration, however, Baubles is not required for Blood Arsenal to run.
Here’s a quick rundown of the numerous baubles within Blood Arsenal so far:
Amulet of Self/Sacrifice: When worn, these will passively collect LP from the respective occurrences of their names (for example the Amulet of Self Sacrifice will collect LP when you take damage). Both have a capacity of 10,000 LP and can be shift-right clicked on the Blood Altar to dump their contents.
Soul Pendants: This piece of jewelry functions exactly like a Tartaric Gem, but can be worn in the Amulet slot. Like Tartaric Gems, they can inherit a certain Demon Will type (corrosive, destructive, vengeful, steadfast) and can be used in the Tartaric Forge.
Ring of Vampirism: This ring will allow the player to feast on the Life Essence of nearby creatures that are bleeding. Any living entities within a 5 block vicinity that have the Bleeding status effect will return a portion of their lost health to the player.
Tinker’s Construct
Blood Arsenal has integration with Tinker’s Construct adding in Blood Infused Wood as a tool material. Much more is planned with this integration!